Sunday, January 23, 2011

Week 3 Game Plan

In order to carry out my game plan I will need a number of items in order for the plan to engage the students and effectively enhance instruction. The most crucial resource will be a lap top for each student to use in class, an alternative to the lap tops will be a classroom set of ipods. As I begin to lay the foundation for my game plan, I will need to continue to gather information on how to set up a project that incorporates two different classrooms in two different cities. I will also need to gather information on what type of release/parent permission the student will need in order to participate. As of now I have contacted a peer teacher and discussed a number of different projects we may engage in. I have also reserved a classroom set of ipods that I will be able to keep in my classroom next year.

Jerry Brown


  1. Congratulations on acquiring the the IPods for your classroom next year! What a major hurdle to jump over.

    I'm glad you brought up the parent release/permission form for your students. I often almost forget about this! It is very important that we get the right paperwork in order, isn't it?

  2. That is fanatstic that you will have IPods available to your students next year. With so many budget constraints it is impossible to gain access to the tools we need for our classroom. What will you do if/when a student does not have a permission form or the parent(s) do not grant permission? Just curious. Sounds as if your students are in for some engaging tasks.

  3. I have been in contact with some other teachers who have had issues with parents not signing the permission slips and the most popular alternative is to give them an alternate assignment. But I don't want to punish the student because their parent does not want them to participate. Any suggestions?

    Jerry Brown
